1 | Inboard | IB |
2 | instrument approach chart | IAC |
3 | initial approach fix | IAF |
4 | instrument approach procedure | IAP |
5 | indicated airspeed | IAS |
6 | International Air Transport Association | IATA |
7 | Instructions for Continuous Airworthiness | ICA |
8 | International Civil Aviation Organization | ICAO |
9 | International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences | ICAS |
10 | Interface Control Document | ICD |
11 | idle cut-off | ICO |
12 | Ice Contaminated Tailplane Stall | ICTS |
13 | integrated drive generator | IDG |
14 | identify (XPDR) | IDT |
15 | integrated engine pressure ratio | IEPR |
16 | interactive electronic technical manual | IETM |
17 | intermediate approach fix | IF |
18 | International Federation of Airworthiness | IFA |
19 | International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations | IFATCA |
20 | In Flight Entertainment | IFE |
21 | instrument flight procedure | IFP |
22 | instrument flight rules | IFR |
23 | in-flight shutdown | IFSD |
24 | Inlet guide vane | IGV |
25 | instrument landing system | ILS |
26 | instrument meteorological conditions | IMC |
27 | Inside Mold Line | IML |
28 | Illustrated Parts Catalog (e.g. by Boeing, Airbus) | IPC |
29 | Initial Release | IR |
30 | inertial reference system | IRS |
31 | instrument rating test | IRT |
32 | instrumented runway visual range | IRVR |
33 | International Standard Atmosphere | ISA |
34 | integrated standby flight display | ISFD |
35 | integrated standby instrument system | ISIS |
36 | International Traffic in Arms Regulations | ITAR |
37 | interstage turbine temperature | ITT |